Raggedy Ann Shrine

What is Raggedy Ann?

Raggedy ann is a book character created by American Writer Johnny Gruelle, that appeared in a series of books he wrote and illustrated for young children and along side with anns brother, raggedy andy and alongside with some other characters too.. Besides books there are also tv shows/movies/broadway musical adaptions to see!!

Why is Raggedy Ann and Andy so special to me?

Reason why raggedy ann and andy r very special to me is because of how much I really like the raggedy ann and andy the musical adventure movie!! It is a comfort and favorite movie of all time since 2020 :3 ...and I also think the plush dolls r really adorable ^^ Im always kinda sad of how ppl treat raggedy ann dolls due to an certain haunted raggedy ann doll.. but anyways I think those r the reasons y raggedy ann is my special interest and such :3c

this shrine is made by toy!